DAOhaus guide

Raid Guild’s onboarding process includes the summoning of a Raid Guild ‘Season X’ sub-DAO that is used by prospective members to learn the basics of pledging to a DAO and working with proposals for governance.

The Proposal Types page in the Raid Guild handbook has detailed information for members who are interacting with Raid Guild’s main DAO.

Getting started

For all of this it is assumed that you are starting on the home page of your ‘Season X’ sub-DAO on DAOhaus, and that your wallet is connected.

You’ll be spending small amounts on wxDAI on gas fees.


1. Make a proposal

  • Navigate to the Proposals page
  • Click the 'New Proposal' button
  • Choose a type of proposal—for example, a Membership Proposal, or a Funding Proposal.
Proposals page screenshot
Highlighted: the Proposals page icon; the New Proposal button.

Membership proposal

Applying for membership in the ‘Season X’ DAO is the first thing to do. Your membership will be linked to the wallet address that you have connected to DAOhaus.

With your wallet connected:

  • Click the 'New Proposal' button
  • In the options presented, select 'The Classics' from the dropdown box
  • Select 'Membership Proposal'
  • Fill in the Membership Proposal form:
    • Write a clear title and description, including your Discord nickname.
    • Request the appropriate amount of shares.
    • Offer the appropriate amount of tribute, unlocking the token if prompted and approving the unlock transaction.
    • Click the Submit button.
Classics menu proposal options
Proposal options in The Classics section.
Membership proposal form
The Membership Proposal form.

Funding proposal

Apply to get paid from the DAO treasury.

  • Click the 'New Proposal' button
  • In the options presented, select 'The Classics' from the dropdown box
  • Select 'Funding Proposal'
  • Fill in the Funding Proposal form:
    • Write a clear title and description for the proposal
    • The wallet address in the Recipient field should match the wallet address you have linked to the DAO
    • Enter the amount requested for payment
    • Click the Submit button
Funding proposal form screenshot
The Funding Proposal form.

Next steps for a funding proposal

The proposal must be sponsored by a member of the ‘Season X’ DAO before it can be voted for or against.

A link to the proposal will be synced into the #dao-alerts channel for the cohort. Send a message to your cohort in Discord to let them know there is a proposal ready for sponsorship.

If your funding proposal passes, the funds will be transferred from the DAO treasury to the internal wallet in your DAOhaus profile after the proposal is processed. You can process your own proposal.

2. Sponsor a proposal

Find the proposal by following the link from the #dao-alerts channel post, or by finding it in the list on the proposals page of the DAO.

Filter by ‘Unsponsored’ to find proposals that require sponsorship.

Proposal types screenshot
Filter options for proposals, with ‘Unsponsored’ highlighted.

Click the proposal that you want to sponsor, and then:

  • Click the Unlock button
  • Deposit 3 wxDAI to sponsor, approving the transaction when prompted
Screenshot of the sponsor proposal button

The 3 wxDAI will be returned to the internal wallet in your DAOhaus profile after the proposal is processed.

The deposit to sponsor a proposal is meant to discourage spam.

3. Vote for or against a proposal

Find the proposal by following the link from the #dao-alerts channel post, or by finding it in the list on the proposals page of the DAO. Filter by ‘Unsponsored’ to find proposals that require sponsorship.

Filter by ‘Voting Period’ to find proposals that are ready for votes.

Click the proposal that you want to vote on, and then:

  • Click the thumbs up or thumbs down
  • Approve the transaction when prompted
Voting actions screenshot

4. Process a proposal

Proposals are processed in order. If you pick out of order you will be prompted to first process the proposal that is next in line.

Find the proposal by following the link from the #dao-alerts channel post, or by finding it in the list on the proposals page of the DAO.

Filter by ‘Ready For Processing’ to find proposals that are ready for processing.

Click the proposal that you want to process, and then:

  • Click the Process button
  • Approve the transaction when prompted
Process button screenshot

After the transaction is confirmed a toast will be displayed that reads ‘Proposal passed’ or ‘Proposal failed’.

Withdraw funds from your DAOhaus internal wallet

  • Go to your DAOhaus profile page (Click the cup icon in the main navigation options)
  • If you have any assets to withdraw you can click the Withdraw button
  • Choose the amount to withdraw, and authorise the transaction in your wallet
The profile page
The Withdraw button on the Profile page.
